Arif's Portfolio

Mobile: +61406155493

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Image Processing

Face Cropper (Commercial Project)

This is part of a commercial project that finds a face in an image and crops as symmetrically as possible to fit on ID cards .

Remote Sensing

Map Sentinel-2 with SOC Ground truths

Programmatically created region of interest (ROI) and associated Sentinel-2 Multispectral data with the measured Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) ground truths.

PyTorch Projects

Hyperspectral image segmentation on the Indian Pines dataset

Using 3D convolutional neural network, developed a model that detects class of a hyperspectral image patch.

Multi-task learning

From a multi-labelled face dataset, predict age and gender.

Speech emotion recogniser

Recognises emotion based on SAVEE dataset using CNN.

Currently, working on using transformer network to capture temporal relation for better accuracy.

Understanding the blackbox by exploring saliency map

Saliency map highlights the pixels (in computer vision), which are responsible in making a decision. This projects generates saliency map on an MNIST digit classifier.

Detect glasses using transfer learning

Checks if the person in the image is wearing glasses. Used Resnet-18 as backbone.

Soil moisture prediction using multimodal data

Predicting soil moisture from time-series data from different sensors including hyperspectral camera.

Stock prediction using LSTM

Predicting Amazon stock price using LSTM.

Chronic Kidney Disease detection

Detects CKD with 98% accuracy.

Using partial derivative method, depicts impact of each feature in decision making process of the machine.

Estimating nitrous oxide emissions

Simple NN regression model to estimate N2O emissions


Simple Autoencoder on MNIST dataset

Variational Autoencoder

Simple VAE on MNIST dataset. Used tensorboard to visualise continuous progress.

Speech command recogniser

Simple FC network to recognise short speech commands (for example, forward, up, yes, no etc.).

A deterministic machine with predefined weight initialization

An experimental work in search of explainable and deterministic neural networks.

First started with creating 28X28 filters for each classes (digits in this case) by accumulating the average distribution of the pixels.

Without any backpropagation, it works with 77% accuracy. Improving the filters with backpropagation (not randomly initialized) produces 88%+ accuracy.

Future work in this would be applying DSC and addressing the issue of lack of translational invariance.

Python Projects from Scratch

CNN to recognise speaker

CNN built from scratch to recognise speaker from mel spectrogram data.

Single Layer Network

A simple neural network from scratch for demonstration purpose

Polynomial regression

Aligning a polynomial function to sine curve for demonstration purpose

SnakeGame with PyGame

Classic snake game. A foundation work to learn reinforcement learning.

Conway's Game of Life with PyGame

Simulate Conway's Game of Life. Auto zoom-out when generations exceed borders.



Implementing Quad (Samuel Beckett) by using dynamic mesh generation. Here is a quick demo.


Rosalind Solution

An attempt to learn fundamental of genome sequencing to be able to apply machine learning.

Works in Progress

AI - Escape game (Deep Q Learning)

In this game AI agent has to escape through the hole avoiding enemies.

Done: Basic gameplay

Remaining: AI Agent

3D Image segmentation using U-Net

Spotting tumor cells on brain using the BraTS dataset

Done so far: Processing nii files. Prerequisite knowledge - U-NET, 3D Convolution, DSC similarity etc.

New faces using GAN

Using CelebA dataset, generating new faces.

Done so far: Initial codes and tensorboard setup for debug and diagnosis.


Just another Neural Network from scratch with mathematical intuition

Feel calculus with your programming sense

Normal Distribution — an intuitive introduction without math (paid work)

Single Neuron Neural Network on Python — with mathematical intuition (paid work)

An intuitive explanation of how meaningless filters in CNN take meaningful shapes

One of the millions of learning paths to deep learning for programmers

Professional Projects (2007-2020)

  • Enterprise billing system comprising 10+ modules using Grails, MySQL, jQuery (
  • A robust, and user-friendly CMS using Grails, MySQL, jQuery (
  • Refurbished one of the pioneer CMS in Australia using Java Swing, CakePHP (
  • Application deployment and management system using Java, PHP, Python, Bash scripting
  • Payment processing service using CakePHP and MySQL
  • Customized automated test suites and CI environment with Grails and Selenium
  • A video processing system which takes a video of a graduation ceremony as input, and generates short clips for each students based on the speeches in the video using Python and Laravel
  • Contributed to hypercasual mobile games using Unity3D (

Projects Done During Undergraduate (2004-2007)

  • Puzzle solver in C using graph searching algorithms
  • Parallel processing system using Java RMI
  • Web-based expert quiz system using CakePHP and MySQL
  • Complete English-Bengali dictionaly using Java Swing
  • Library management system using .NET
  • Video club management system using JSP, Servlet, jQuery
  • DOM-based XML parser using Expat, an event-based XML parser on C
  • File transfer system over the loal network using socket programming on C
  • Drawing natural objects using OpenGL on C
  • Console-based abstract strategy game using minimax algorithm on C++